New York Yankees
employee benefits

Update for participants with the Transportation plan - When signing up for Transit benefits, the New York Yankees will fund your first month's election. As a result of this initial funding by the New York Yankees, any future dis-enrollment by you from the Transit benefit will result in the New York Yankees continuing to take payroll deductions for one month to recoup the initial funds financed when you first signed up.

If you are accessing the system for the first time you will need the following:

This is the first initial of your first name and your full last name. For example, John Smith's user name will be 'jsmith’.
This is the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number.

Is my information safe?

Bswift Site Security Overview:
All information is secured using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security; File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and/or secure encrypted email via ZixMail. Additional details regarding Bswift security measures are available in the Bswift Security Overview.